在Phys.Rev.Lett.、Phys.Rev.D(快速通訊)、JHEP、Phys.Lett.B 等國際知名學(xué)術(shù)刊物上發(fā)表了140余篇SCI 學(xué)術(shù)論文,被引用3000余次,H因子為35。
1、Coexistence of Reflection Asymmetric and Symmetric Shapes in Ba144. S.J. Zhu, E.H. Wang, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, Y.X. Liu et al. (Jan 25, 2020).Phys.Rev.Lett. 124 (2020) 3, 032501
2、Constraint on the radius of five-dimensional dS spacetime with GW170817 and GRB 170817A. Zi-Chao Lin(Lanzhou U. (main)), Hao Yu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Jan 17, 2020).2001.06581
3、Weak cosmic censorship conjecture for Kerr-Taub-NUT black hole with test scalar field and particle.Si-Jiang Yang(Lanzhou U. (main)), Jing Chen(Lanzhou U. (main)), Jun-Jie Wan(Lanzhou U. (main)), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Jan 9, 2020).2001.03106
4、Generalized geometrical coupling for vector field localization on thick brane in asymptotic Anti-de Sitter spacetime.Tao-Tao Sui(Lanzhou U. (main)), Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U. (main)), Qun-Ying Xie(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Jan 7, 2020). 2001.02154.
5、Excited states of holographic superconductors with backreaction.Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U. (main)), Hong-Bo Li(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yin Zhong(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Nov 10, 2019).1911.04475
6、Excited states of holographic superconductors.Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U. (main)), Tong-Tong Hu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Jie Yang(Lanzhou U. (main)), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Oct 17, 2019).1910.07734.
7、Intriguing microstructures of five-dimensional neutral Gauss-Bonnet AdS black hole.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Oct 10, 2019). Phys.Lett.B 803 (2020) 135287 • e-Print: 1910.04528.
8、Null Geodesics, Quasinormal Modes, and Thermodynamic Phase Transition for Charged Black Holes in Asymptotically Flat and dS Spacetimes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. and Waterloo U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 26, 2019).1909.11911
9、Ruppeiner Geometry, Phase Transitions, and the Microstructure of Charged AdS Black Holes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. (main) and Waterloo U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Robert B. Mann(Waterloo U.) (Sep 9, 2019).Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 12, 124033 • e-Print: 1909.03887.
10、Thick brane in reduced Horndeski theory.Qi-Ming Fu, Hao Yu, Li Zhao, Yu-Xiao Liu (Jul 28, 2019).Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 12, 124057 • e-Print: 1907.12049.
11、Repulsive Interactions and Universal Properties of Charged Anti–de Sitter Black Hole Microstructures.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. (main) and Waterloo U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Robert B. Mann(Waterloo U.) (Jun 26, 2019).Phys.Rev.Lett. 123 (2019) 7, 071103 • e-Print: 1906.10840.
12、Photon sphere and reentrant phase transition of charged Born-Infeld-AdS black holes.Yu-Meng Xu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Hui-Min Wang(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. (main) and Waterloo U.) (Jun 7, 2019).Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 10, 104044 • e-Print: 1906.03334.
13、Collision of two kinks with inner structure.Yuan Zhong(Xian Jiaotong U.), Xiao-Long Du, Zhou-Chao Jiang(Xian Jiaotong U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 7, 2019).JHEP02(2020)153 • e-Print: 1906.02920.
14、Reduced thermodynamics and an exact phase transition of five-dimensional Kerr-AdS black holes with equal spin parameters.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. and Waterloo U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (May 28, 2019).Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 6, 064004 • e-Print: 1905.12187.
15、Gravitational waves and extra dimensions: a short review.Hao Yu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Zi-Chao Lin(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)) (May 25, 2019).Commun.Theor.Phys. 71 (2019) 8, 991-1006 • e-Print: 1905.10614.
16、Curvature radius and Kerr black hole shadow.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. and Waterloo U.), Yuan-Chuan Zou(Hua-Zhong U. Sci. Tech. and Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Robert B. Mann(Waterloo U.) (Apr 16, 2019).JCAP 08 (2019) 030 • e-Print: 1904.07710.
17、Diversity of shapes and rotations in the \gammaγ-soft ^{130}Ba nucleus: First observation of a tt-band. C.M. Petrache(CSNSM, Orsay), P.M. Walker(Surrey U.), S. Guo(Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys.), Q.B. Chen(Munich, Tech. U.), S. Frauendorf(Notre Dame U.)Yu-Xiao Liu. et al. (Apr 15, 2019).Phys.Lett.B 795 (2019) 241-247 • e-Print: 1904.06931
18、Geodesics and periodic orbits in Kehagias-Sfetsos black holes in deformed Hor̆ava-Lifshitz gravity.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. and Waterloo U.), Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 5, 2019).Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 10, 104016 • e-Print: 1904.03129.
19、Quantized Scalar Fields in Curved Spacetime Background of Thick Brane.Jian Wang(Lanzhou U. and Lanzhou U. (main)),
Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Dec 26, 2018).1812.10259.
20、Tensor stability in Born-Infeld determinantal gravity.Ke Yang(SWU, Chongqing), Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Dec 18, 2018).Eur.Phys.J.C 79 (2019) 9, 736 • e-Print: 1812.07348.
21、Gravitational resonances in mimetic thick branes.Yi Zhong(Lanzhou U. (main) and Hunan U.), Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U. (main)), Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Dec 16, 2018).JHEP 04 (2019) 154 • e-Print: 1812.06453
22、Motion deviation of test body induced by spin and cosmological constant in extreme mass ratio inspiral binary system.Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Pau Amaro-Seoane(ICE, Barcelona and Beijing, Acad. Math. Syst. Sci. and Peking U., Beijing, KIAA), Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Dec 15, 2018).1812.06345.
23、Excited Kerr black holes with scalar hair.Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U. (main)), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. (main)) (Nov 21, 2018).Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 6, 064036 • e-Print: 1811.08795
24、Intrinsic curvature and topology of shadows in Kerr spacetime.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. (main) and Waterloo U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. (main)), Robert B. Mann(Waterloo U.) (Oct 31, 2018).Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 4, 041303 • e-Print: 1811.00047
25、U(1) gauge vector field on a codimension-2 brane.Chun-E Fu(Xian Jiaotong U.), Yuan Zhong(Xian Jiaotong U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Oct 4, 2018).JHEP 01 (2019) 021 • e-Print: 1810.02081.
26、Braneworld in f(T) Gravity Theory with Noncanonical Scalar Matter Field.Jian Wang(Lanzhou U.), Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Zi-Chao Lin(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 2, 2018).Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 8, 084046 • e-Print: 1808.00771.
27、Probing the relationship between the null geodesics and thermodynamic phase transition for rotating Kerr-AdS black holes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 9, 2018).Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 4, 044013 • e-Print: 1807.03455.
28、Constraints on generalized Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld branes.Zi-Chao Lin(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(SWU, Chongqing), Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Jian Wang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 8, 2018).Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 8, 084020 • e-Print: 1807.02815.
29、Triaxial deformations in neutron-rich nuclei with Z = 41 – 46, A ~ 100 – 116 based on prompt fission γ spectroscopy.Y.X. Luo, J.H. Hamilton, J.O. Rasmussen, A.V. Ramayya, S. Frauendorf.Yu-Xiao Liu. et al. (May 19, 2018).EPJ Web Conf. 178 (2018) 02021 • Contribution to: CGS16
30、Thick brane in mimetic f(T)f(T) gravity.Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yi Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(SWU, Chongqing), Tao-Tao Sui(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (May 15, 2018).Phys.Lett.B 800 (2020) 135099 • e-Print: 1805.05650.
31、Hierarchy problem and new warped extra dimension.Bin Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U. and SWU, Chongqing), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.) (May 8, 2018).Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 8, 085022 • e-Print: 1805.03976.
32、Weak cosmic censorship conjecture in Kerr black holes of modified gravity.Bin Liang(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 18, 2018) .Mod.Phys.Lett.A 34 (2019) 05, 1950037 • e-Print: 1804.06966.
33、Kinks in higher derivative scalar field theory.Yuan Zhong(Xian Jiaotong U.), Rong-Zhen Guo(Xian Jiaotong U.), Chun-E Fu(Xian Jiaotong U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 7, 2018).Phys.Lett.B 782 (2018) 346-352 • e-Print: 1804.02611.
34、Stable Palatini f(\mathcal{R})f(R) braneworld.Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U. and McGill U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(liuyx@lzu.edu.cn), Yuan Zhong(XJTLU, Suzhou) (Apr 1, 2018) .Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 2, 024027 • e-Print: 1804.00271.
35、Merger estimates for rotating Kerr black holes in modified gravity.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Mar 26, 2018).Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 2, 024042 • e-Print: 1803.09530.
36、Linear stability of f(R,\phi,X)f(R,ϕ,X) thick branes: tensor perturbations.Zheng-Quan Cui(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 5, 2018).JHEP 11 (2018) 083 • e-Print: 1802.01454.
37、Memorial Volume for Yi-Shi Duan.Mo-Lin Ge(ed.), Rong-Gen Cai(ed.), Yu-Xiao Liu(ed.) (Jan 28, 2018)
38、Scalar particle production in a simple Horndeski theory.Hao Yu(Lanzhou U.), Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(SWU, Chongqing), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 1, 2018) .Phys.Rev.D 97 (2018) 8, 083524 • e-Print: 1801.00541.
39、Quasinormal Modes and Van der Waals like phase transition of charged AdS black holes in Lorentz symmetry breaking massive gravity. Bin Liang(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Dec 5, 2017) .Int.J.Mod.Phys.D 28 (2019) 09, 1950113 • e-Print: 1712.01545 [gr-qc]
40、Innermost stable circular orbit of spinning particle in charged spinning black hole background.Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Tao-Tao Sui(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 26, 2017) .Phys.Rev.D 97 (2018) 8, 084056 • e-Print: 1711.09361 [gr-qc]
41、Thick branes with inner structure in mimetic gravity.Yi Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Xian Jiaotong U.), Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 26, 2017) .Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 1, 45 • e-Print: 1711.09413.
42、Photon orbits and thermodynamic phase transition of dd-dimensional charged AdS black holes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 4, 2017) ..Phys.Rev.D 97 (2018) 10, 104027 • e-Print: 1711.01522.
43、Localization of five-dimensional Elko spinors with non-minimal coupling on thick branes.Xiang-Nan Zhou(Shanxi Normal U.), Yun-Zhi Du(Shanxi Datong U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Shandong U. Sci. Tech.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Oct 8, 2017).Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 6, 493 • e-Print: 1710.02842.
44、Domain wall brane in a reduced Born-Infeld-f(T)theory.Ke Yang(SWU, Chongqing), Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Zi-Chao Lin(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 4, 2017).Phys.Lett.B 782 (2018) 170-175 • e-Print: 1709.01047.
45、Charged AdS black hole heat engines.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 27, 2017).Nucl.Phys. B (2019) 114700, Nucl.Phys.B 946 (2019) 114700 • e-Print: 1708.08176.
46、Linearization of a warped f(R)f(R) theory in the higher-order frame II: the equation of motion approach.Yuan Zhong(Xian Jiaotong U.), Ke Yang(SWU, Chongqing), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 11, 2017).Phys.Rev.D 97 (2018) 4, 044032 • e-Print: 1708.03737.
47、Introduction to Extra Dimensions and Thick Braneworlds.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 26, 2017).1707.08541.
48、Scalar perturbations of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld braneworld.Ke Yang(SWU, Chongqing), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Bin Guo(British Columbia U.), Xiao-Long Du(Inst. Astrophys. Gottingen) (Jun 15, 2017).Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017) 6, 064039 • e-Print: 1706.04818.
49、Critical phenomena and chemical potential of a charged AdS black hole.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Bin Liang(Lanzhou U. and CUPT, Chongqing), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (May 23, 2017).Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017) 12, 124018 • e-Print: 1705.08596.
50、Black hole entropy emission property.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 26, 2017).1704.08402.
51、Localization of Gravitino Field on f(R) Thick Branes.Xiang-Nan Zhou(Shanxi Normal U.), Yun-Zhi Du(Shanxi Datong U.), Hao Yu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Mar 31, 2017).Sci.China Phys.Mech.Astron. 61 (2018) 11, 110411 • e-Print: 1703.10805.
52、Complexity growth rates for AdS black holes in massive gravity and f(R)f(R) gravity.Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yan-Yan Li(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Mar 30, 2017).Eur.Phys.J.C 77 (2017) 12, 904 • e-Print: 1703.10468.
53、Stability of braneworlds with non-minimally coupled multi-scalar fields.Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 12, 2017).Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 2, 131 • e-Print: 1702.03497.
54、Fermion localization mechanism with derivative geometrical coupling on branes.Yan-Yan Li(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 9, 2017).Phys.Rev.D 95 (2017) 11, 115003 • e-Print: 1701.02429.
55、Linearization of a warped f(R) theory in the higher-order frame.Yuan Zhong, Yu-Xiao Liu (Nov 24, 2016).Phys.Rev.D 95 (2017) 10, 104060 • e-Print: 1611.08237.
56、Charged spinning black holes as accelerators of spinning particles.Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 30, 2016).Phys.Rev.D 94 (2016) 12, 124017 • e-Print: 1608.08705.
57、Photon emission of extremal Kerr–Newman black holes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 15, 2016).Eur.Phys.J.C 77 (2017) 2, 128 • e-Print: 1608.04262.
58、Probing extra dimension through gravitational wave observations of compact binaries and their electromagnetic counterparts.Hao Yu(Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Fa Peng Huang(Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Xin-He Meng(Nankai U. and SKLTP, Beijing).Yu-Xiao Liu. et al. (Jul 12, 2016).JCAP 02 (2017) 039 • e-Print: 1607.03388.
59、Full linear perturbations and localization of gravity on f(R,T) brane.Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Hao Yu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 22, 2016).Eur.Phys.J.C 77 (2017) 2, 115 • e-Print: 1606.07169.
60、Implementing black hole as efficient power plant.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (May 15, 2016).Commun.Theor.Phys. 71 (2019) 6, 711-717 • e-Print: 1605.04629.
61、Cosmological twinlike models with multi scalar fields.Yuan Zhong(Xian Jiaotong U.), Chun-E Fu(Xian Jiaotong U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 22, 2016).Sci.China Phys.Mech.Astron. 61 (2018) 9, 90411 • e-Print: 1604.06857.
62、Critical phenomena in the extended phase space of Kerr-Newman-AdS black holes.Peng Cheng, Shao-Wen Wei, Yu-Xiao Liu (Mar 29, 2016).Phys.Rev.D 94 (2016) 024025 • e-Print: 1603.08694.
63、First law of black hole mechanics in variable background fields.Shao-Feng Wu(Shanghai U.), Xian-Hui Ge(Shanghai U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 27, 2016).Gen.Rel.Grav. 49 (2017) 6, 85 • e-Print: 1602.08661.
64、Quantization of black hole entropy from unstable circular null geodesics.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Xian Jiaotong U.) (Jan 28, 2016).Sci.China Phys.Mech.Astron. 59 (2016) 4, 640401.
65、Localization and mass spectrum of q-q−form fields on branes.Chun-E Fu(Toronto U. and Xian Jiaotong U.), Yuan Zhong(Xian Jiaotong U.), Qun-Ying Xie(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 26, 2016).Phys.Lett.B 757 (2016) 180-186 • e-Print: 1601.07118.
66、Hybrid metric-Palatini brane system.Qi-Ming Fu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu (Jan 25, 2016). Phys.Rev.D 94 (2016) 2, 024020 • e-Print: 1601.06546.
67、Resonance spectrum of a bulk fermion on branes.Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yun-Zhi Du(Lanzhou U.), Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 21, 2016).Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 6, 065042 • e-Print: 1601.05852.
68、Tensor perturbations of f(T)-branes.Wen-Di Guo(Lanzhou U.), Qi-Ming Fu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Peng Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 23, 2015). Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 4, 044002, Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 044002 • e-Print: 1511.07143.
69、Localization of gravitino field on branes.Yun-Zhi Du(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Xiang-Nan Zhou(Shanxi Normal U.), Yi Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 10, 2015).Annals Phys. 388 (2018) 69-88 • e-Print: 1511.03102.
70、Analytical and exact critical phenomena of dd-dimensional singly spinning Kerr-AdS black holes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Peng Cheng(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 30, 2015).Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 8, 084015 • e-Print: 1510.00085.
71、Pure geometric thick f(R)-branes: stability and localization of gravity.Yuan Zhong(Barcelona, IFAE and Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 2, 2015).Eur.Phys.J.C 76 (2016) 6, 321 • e-Print: 1507.00630.
72、Gravitational resonances on f(R)-brane.Hao Yu(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Barcelona, IFAE and Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 21, 2015).Eur.Phys.J.C 76 (2016) 4, 195 • e-Print: 1506.06458.
73、Time-Dependent Scalar Fields in Modified Gravities in a Stationary Spacetime.Yi Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 28, 2015).Eur.Phys.J.C 76 (2016) 7, 377 • e-Print: 1503.00126.
74、New localization mechanism and Hodge duality for q-q−form field.Chun-E Fu(Xian Jiaotong U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(XiDian U.), Sheng-Li Zhang(Xian Jiaotong U.) (Feb 18, 2015).Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 6, 064007 • e-Print: 1502.05456.
75、Insight into the Microscopic Structure of an AdS Black Hole from a Thermodynamical Phase Transition.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 2, 2015).Phys.Rev.Lett. 115 (2015) 11, 111302, Phys.Rev.Lett. 116 (2016) 16, 169903 (erratum) • e-Print: 1502.00386.
76、Null Geodesics and Gravitational Lensing in a Nonsingular Spacetime.Shao Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Chun E. Fu(Xian Jiaotong U.) (Jan 29, 2015). Adv.High Energy Phys. 2015 (2015) 454217 • e-Print: 1510.02560.
77、Describing the ADD model in a warped geometry.Bin Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U. and Barcelona, IFAE), Xin-He Meng(Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys. and Nankai U.) (Jan 12, 2015).1501.02674.
78、Clapeyron equations and fitting formula of the coexistence curve in the extended phase space of charged AdS black holes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 20, 2014).Phys.Rev.D 91 (2015) 4, 044018 • e-Print: 1411.5749.
79、Tensor perturbations of Palatini f(\mathcal{R})f(R)-branes.Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Bin Guo(Lanzhou U.), Hao Yu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 12, 2014).Phys.Rev.D 92 (2015) 2, 024011 • e-Print: 1411.3241.
80、Matching the linear spectra of twinlike defects.Yuan Zhong(Barcelona, IFAE and Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 27, 2014).Class.Quant.Grav. 32 (2015) 16, 165002 • e-Print: 1408.6416.
81、KK-field kinks: stability, exact solutions and new features.Yuan Zhong(Barcelona, IFAE and Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 19, 2014).JHEP 10 (2014) 041 • e-Print: 1408.4511.
82、Stability and (quasi)localization of gravitational fluctuations in an Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld brane system.Qi-Ming Fu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Bao-Min Gu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 23, 2014).Phys.Rev.D 90 (2014) 10, 104007 • e-Print: 1407.6107.
83、The structure of f(R)f(R)-brane model.Zeng-Guang Xu(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U. and Barcelona, IFAE), Hao Yu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu (May 24, 2014).Eur.Phys.J.C 75 (2015) 8, 368 • e-Print: 1405.6277.
84、Black hole solution and strong gravitational lensing in Eddington-inspired Born–Infeld gravity.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (May 9, 2014).Eur.Phys.J.C 75 (2015) 253, Eur.Phys.J.C 75 (2015) 331 (erratum) • e-Print: 1405.2178.
85、Brane worlds in gravity with auxiliary fields.Bin Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 30, 2014).Eur.Phys.J.C 75 (2015) 2, 63 • e-Print: 1405.0074.
86、Brane structure and metastable graviton in five-dimensional model with (non)canonical scalar field.Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U. and Barcelona, IFAE), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Shandong U.) (Apr 9, 2014).1404.2666.
87、Warped Brane worlds in Critical Gravity.Yi Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.), Qun-Ying Xie(Lanzhou U.) (Mar 20, 2014). Eur.Phys.J.C 74 (2014) 12, 3185 • e-Print: 1403.5109.
88、Large Scale Structure Formation in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Gravity.Xiao-Long Du(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Xin-He Meng(Nankai U. and Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Mar 1, 2014).Phys.Rev.D 90 (2014) 044054 • e-Print: 1403.0083.
89、U(1) gauge field localization on a Bloch brane with Chumbes-Holf da Silva-Hott mechanism.Zhen-Hua Zhao(Shandong U. Sci. Tech.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U. and Barcelona, IFAE) (Feb 26, 2014).Phys.Rev.D 90 (2014) 4, 045031 • e-Print: 1402.6480.
90、Triple points and phase diagrams in the extended phase space of charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes in AdS space.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 12, 2014).Phys.Rev.D 90 (2014) 4, 044057 • e-Print: 1402.2837.
91、Nonperturbative procedure for stable K-brane.Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U. and Barcelona, IFAE), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Shandong U. Sci. Tech.) (Dec 30, 2013).Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 10, 104034 • e-Print: 1401.0004.
92、New localization mechanism of fermions on braneworlds.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zeng-Guang Xu(Lanzhou U.), Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.) (Dec 15, 2013).Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 8, 086001 • e-Print: 1312.4145.
93、Localization of q-q−form fields on AdS_{p+1}AdS .Chun-E Fu(Xian Jiaotong U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(XiDian U.), Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.), Sheng-Li Zhang(Xian Jiaotong U.) (Dec 9, 2013).Phys.Lett.B 735 (2014) 7-11 • e-Print: 1312.2647.
94、Observing the shadow of Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion black hole.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 17, 2013).JCAP 11 (2013) 063 • e-Print: 1311.4251.
95、Establishing a universal relation between gravitational waves and black hole lensing.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 24, 2013).Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 4, 047502 • e-Print: 1309.6375.
96、Dirac dynamical resonance states around Schwarzschild black holes.Xiang-Nan Zhou(Lanzhou U.), Xiao-Long Du(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 13, 2013).Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 4, 043006 • e-Print: 1308.2863.
97、Linear perturbations in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity.Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Xiao-Long Du(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 11, 2013).Phys.Rev.D 88 (2013) 124037 • e-Print: 1307.2969.
98、Isoscalar-vector interaction and hybrid quark core in massive neutron stars.G.Y. Shao(Xian Jiaotong U.), M. Colonna(INFN, LNS), M. Di Toro(INFN, LNS and Catania U.), Y.X. Liu(Peking U. and Natl. Lab. Heavy Ion Accel., Lanzhou), B. Liu(Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys. and TPCSF, Beijing) (May 6, 2013).Phys.Rev.D 87 (2013) 9, 096012 • e-Print: 1305.1176.
99、Black hole spectroscopy from null geodesics.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 30, 2013).1301.7206.
100、Gravity localization and mass hierarchy in scalar-tensor branes.Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Xiao-Long Du(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.) (Dec 12, 2012).Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012) 127502 • e-Print: 1212.2735.
101、Linearization of thick K-branes.Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Dec 10, 2012).Phys.Rev.D 88 (2013) 2, 024017 • e-Print: 1212.1871.
102、Critical phenomena and thermodynamic geometry of charged Gauss-Bonnet AdS black holes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 10, 2012).Phys.Rev.D 87 (2013) 4, 044014 • e-Print: 1209.1707.
103、Emergence of Cosmic Space and the Generalized Holographic Equipartition.Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 16, 2012).Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012) 104013 • e-Print: 1207.3515.
104、q-Form fields on p-branes.Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 15, 2012).JHEP 10 (2012) 060 • e-Print: 1207.3152.
105、Holographic SIS Josephson Junction.Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Rong-Gen Cai(Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.), Shingo Takeuchi(Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.), Hai-Qing Zhang(Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.) (May 21, 2012).JHEP 09 (2012) 058 • e-Print: 1205.4406.
106、Non-minimal Coupling Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.), Heng-Guo (Lanzhou U.), Xiang-Nan Zhou(Lanzhou U.) (May 1, 2012).JHEP 05 (2012) 108 • e-Print: 1205.0210.
107、Domain Wall Brane in Eddington Inspired Born-Infeld Gravity.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.) (Mar 12, 2012).Phys.Rev.D 85 (2012) 124053 • e-Print: 1203.2349.
108、Particle collisions in the lower dimensional rotating black hole space-time with the cosmological constant.Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yun-Liang Li(Lanzhou U.), Yang Li(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 20, 2012).Adv.High Energy Phys. 2014 (2014) 204016 • e-Print: 1202.4159.
109、Brane worlds in critical gravity.Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Feng Wu(Shanghai U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U. and Hefei, CUST) (Jan 30, 2012).Phys.Rev.D 88 (2013) 10, 104033 • e-Print: 1201.5922.
110、Holographic p-wave Josephson junction.Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 21, 2011).1109.4426.
111、Pure geometric branes and mass hierarchy.Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U. and Barcelona, IFAE), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 29, 2011).Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 29 (2014) 23, 1450120 • e-Print: 1108.5436.
112、Equatorial and quasi-equatorial gravitational lensing by Kerr black hole pierced by a cosmic string.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U. and Hefei, CUST), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 17, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 85 (2012) 064044 • e-Print: 1107.3023.
113、Localization of 5D Elko Spinors on Minkowski Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Xiang-Nan Zhou(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 13, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012) 064012 • e-Print: 1107.2506.
114、Thick branes with a non-minimally coupled bulk-scalar field.Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 27, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 85 (2012) 124033 • e-Print: 1106.5216.
115、Holographic Josephson Junction in 3+1 dimensions.Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 21, 2011).1104.4303.
116、Domain wall brane in squared curvature gravity.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 18, 2011).JHEP 06 (2011) 135 • e-Print: 1104.3188.
117、Strong field limit analysis of gravitational lensing in Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 5, 2011).JCAP 10 (2012) 053 • e-Print: 1104.0776.
118、General stationary charged black holes as charged particle accelerators.Yi Zhu(Shanghai U.), Shao-Feng Wu(Shanghai U. and Shanghai United Ctr. Astrophys.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ying Jiang(Shanghai U. and Shanghai United Ctr. Astrophys.) (Mar 21, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 84 (2011) 043006 • e-Print: 1103.3848.
119、Relationship between High-Energy Absorption Cross Section and Strong Gravitational Lensing for Black Hole.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.) (Mar 21, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 84 (2011) 041501 • e-Print: 1103.3822.
120、Localization of bulk matter fields, the hierarchy problem and corrections to Coulomb’s law on a pure de Sitter thick braneworld.Heng Guo(Lanzhou U. and XiDian U.), Alfredo Herrera-Aguilar(IFM-UMSNH, Michoacan and UNAM, CCF), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Dagoberto Malagon-Morejon(IFM-UMSNH, Michoacan and UNAM, CCF), Refugio Rigel Mora-Luna(IFM-UMSNH, Michoacan) (Mar 14, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 87 (2013) 9, 095011 • e-Print: 1103.2430.
121、Effects of temperature on thick branes and the fermion (quasi-)localization.Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 24, 2011).JHEP 06 (2011) 045 • e-Print: 1102.4894.
122、Deformed brane with finite extra dimension.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 22, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 85 (2012) 084023 • e-Print: 1102.4500.
123、Localization of Bulk Matters on a Thick Anti-de Sitter Brane.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 23, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 84 (2011) 044033 • e-Print: 1101.4145.
124、Bulk matter fields on two-field thick branes.Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 3, 2011).Phys.Rev.D 84 (2011) 044036 • e-Print: 1101.0336.
125、Particle Acceleration in Kerr-(anti-) de Sitter Black Hole Backgrounds.Yang Li(Lanzhou U.), Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yun-Liang Li(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Dec 5, 2010).Class.Quant.Grav. 28 (2011) 225006 • e-Print: 1012.0748.
126、Multivortices evolution in weak coupled ABJM theory.Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yang Li(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 29, 2010).Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 25 (2010) 5369-5381
127、Tensor perturbations of f(R)f(R)-branes.Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.) (Oct 18, 2010).Phys.Lett.B 699 (2011) 398-402 • e-Print: 1010.3478.
128、Gravity Localization and Effective Newtonian Potential for Bent Thick Branes.Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 23, 2010).EPL 97 (2012) 6, 60003 • e-Print: 1008.3686.
129、Particle Collisions on Stringy Black Hole Background.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.), Feng-Wei Chen(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 26, 2010).JHEP 12 (2010) 066 • e-Print: 1007.4333.
130、Fermion Resonances on a Thick Brane with a Piecewise Warp Factor.Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 22, 2010).Phys.Rev.D 83 (2011) 045006 • e-Print: 1006.4240.
131、Charged spinning black holes as Particle Accelerators.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 7, 2010).Phys.Rev.D 82 (2010) 103005 • e-Print: 1006.1056.
132、Hidden Conformal Symmetry of the Kerr-Newman Black Hole.Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 27, 2010).JHEP 08 (2010) 087 • e-Print: 1004.4661.
133、Effects of the variation of mass on fermion localization and resonances on thick branes.Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 13, 2010).Phys.Rev.D 82 (2010) 084030 • e-Print: 1004.2181.
134、Area spectrum of Schwarzschild black hole inspired by noncommutative geometry.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 12, 2010).1004.2005.
135、Bulk Matters on a GRS-Inspired Braneworld.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 10, 2010).JCAP 12 (2010) 031 • e-Print: 1002.2130.
136、Thermodynamic Geometry of Black Hole in the Deformed Horava-Lifshitz Gravity.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 8, 2010).EPL 99 (2012) 2, 20004 • e-Print: 1002.1550.
137、Entropy/Area spectra of the charged black hole from quasinormal modes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 8, 2010).Phys.Rev.D 81 (2010) 104042 • e-Print: 1002.1553.
138、A Note on Temperature and Energy of 4-dimensional Black Holes from Entropic Force.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 4, 2010).Class.Quant.Grav. 27 (2010) 185002 • e-Print: 1002.1062.
139、A note on Friedmann equation of FRW universe in deformed Horava-Lifshitz gravity from entropic force.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 28, 2010).Commun.Theor.Phys. 56 (2011) 455-458 • e-Print: 1001.5238.
140、Fermion localization on asymmetric two-field thick branes.Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 15, 2009).Class.Quant.Grav. 27 (2010) 185001 • e-Print: 0911.2572.
141、Geometric curvatures of plane symmetry black hole.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 2, 2009).Adv.High Energy Phys. 2013 (2013) 734138 • e-Print: 0911.0270.
142、de Sitter Thick Brane Solution in Weyl Geometry.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 2, 2009).JHEP 10 (2010) 069 • e-Print: 0911.0269.
143、Fermion Resonances on Multi-field Thick Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Hai-Tao Li(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Jing-Xin Li(Lanzhou U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 14, 2009).JHEP 10 (2009) 091 • e-Print: 0909.2312.
144、Localization of Matters on Anti-de Sitter Thick Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Heng Guo(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 27, 2009).JHEP 02 (2010) 080 • e-Print: 0907.4424.
145、The generalization of Chern-Simons current and the topological tensor current of p-branes.Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 15, 2009).Int.J.Theor.Phys. 48 (2009) 2889-2899
146、Scalar-Kinetic Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yuan Zhong(Lanzhou U.), Ke Yang(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 13, 2009).EPL 90 (2010) 5, 51001 • e-Print: 0907.1952.
147、Localization and Mass Spectra of Fermions on Symmetric and Asymmetric Thick Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 6, 2009).Phys.Rev.D 80 (2009) 065020 • e-Print: 0907.0910.
148、Area Spectrum of the Large AdS Black Hole from Quasinormal Modes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 4, 2009).0906.0908.
149、Anomaly analysis of Hawking radiation from 2+1 dimensional spinning black hole.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Ran Li(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 20, 2009).0904.2915.
150、Fermion Localization and Resonances on A de Sitter Thick Brane.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou U. and Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys.), Chun-E Fu(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 13, 2009).Phys.Rev.D 80 (2009) 065019 • e-Print: 0904.1785.
151、Explicit field realizations of W algebras.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li-Jie Zhang(Shanghai U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 3, 2009).Phys.Rev.D 79 (2009) 126011 • e-Print: 0902.0498.
152、Anomaly analysis of Hawking radiation from Kaluza-Klein black hole with squashed horizon.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Ran Li(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 19, 2009).Eur.Phys.J.C 65 (2010) 281-287 • e-Print: 0901.2614.
153、Bulk Matters on Symmetric and Asymmetric de Sitter Thick Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys. and Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 7, 2009).JCAP 02 (2009) 003 • e-Print: 0901.0782.
154、Quantization of Black Hole Entropy from Quasinormal Modes.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Ran Li(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 6, 2009).JHEP 03 (2009) 076 • e-Print: 0901.0587.
155、Some topological properties of anyons.Zhen-Bin Cao(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Dec 30, 2008).Commun.Theor.Phys. 50 (2008) 1155-1158.
156、Physical States and BRST Operators for Higher-spin W Strings.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Li-Jie Zhang(Shanghai U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 15, 2008).Eur.Phys.J.C 60 (2009) 675-684 • e-Print: 0809.2462.
157、A New Description of Cosmic Strings in Brane World Scenario.Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Li-Da Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 1, 2008).Mod.Phys.Lett.A 23 (2008) 2023-2030 • e-Print: 0809.0118.
158、Spinor Field Realizations of the half-integer W(2,s) Strings.Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li-Jie Zhang(Shanghai U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 17, 2008).Nucl.Phys.B 809 (2009) 426-438 • e-Print: 0806.2553.
159、Fermions on Thick Branes in Background of Sine-Gordon Kinks.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li-Da Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Li-Jie Zhang(Shanghai U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 29, 2008).Phys.Rev.D 78 (2008) 065025 • e-Print: 0804.4553.
160、Localization and Mass Spectrum of Matters on Weyl Thick Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li-Da Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Shao-Wen Wei(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Mar 3, 2008).JHEP 08 (2008) 041 • e-Print: 0803.0098.
161、Self-Dual Vortices in the Fractional Quantum Hall System.Xin-Hui Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.) (Dec 27, 2007).Int.J.Mod.Phys.B 00 (2009) 1-11 • e-Print: 0712.3961.
162、Magnetic vortex line configuration of Faddeev-Niemi knot.Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Li-Da Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Nov 4, 2007).0711.0272.
163、Fermionic zero modes in self-dual vortex background on a sphere.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Li-Jie Zhang(Dalian Jiaotong U.) (Oct 23, 2007).Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 22 (2007) 3643-3653
164、Fermionic Zero Modes in Gauge and Gravity Backgrounds on a Sphere.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li-Jie Zhang(Dalian Jiaotong U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 27, 2007).Commun.Theor.Phys. 49 (2008) 1577-1579 • e-Print: 0709.4369.
165、Localization of fermionic fields on braneworlds with bulk tachyon matter.Xin-Hui Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 12, 2007).Mod.Phys.Lett.A 23 (2008) 2093-2101 • e-Print: 0709.1888.
166、Fermions in gravity and gauge backgrounds on a brane world.Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Sep 11, 2007).Mod.Phys.Lett.A 23 (2008) 1129-1139 • e-Print: 0709.1520.
167、Localization of Matters on Pure Geometrical Thick Branes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Xin-Hui Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Li-Da Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Aug 1, 2007).JHEP 02 (2008) 067 • e-Print: 0708.0065.
168、Self-dual vortices in the Abelian Chern-Simons model with two complex scalar fields.Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Li-Da Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Jul 10, 2007).Mod.Phys.Lett.A 23 (2008) 2189-2198 • e-Print: 0707.1358.
169、The Total energy-momentum of the universe in teleparallel gravity.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys.), Jie Yang(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 26, 2007).0706.3245 [gr-qc]
170、Topological aspect of Chern-Simons p-branes.Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Ji-Rong Ren(Lanzhou U.) (Jun 1, 2007).Chin.Phys. 16 (2007) 881-886
171、Gravitational corrections to the energy-levels of a hydrogen atom.Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Xi-Guo Li(Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys.) (May 14, 2007).Commun.Theor.Phys. 47 (2007) 658-662 • e-Print: 0705.1743 [gr-qc]
172、The Energy-Level Shifts of a Stationary Hydrogen Atom in Static External Gravitational Field with Schwarzschild Geometry.Zhen-Hua Zhao(Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Xi-Guo Li(Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys.) (May 13, 2007).Phys.Rev.D 76 (2007) 064016 • e-Print: 0705.1571 [gr-qc]
173、Fermions in self-dual vortex background on a string-like defect.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Xin-Hui Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Apr 23, 2007).Nucl.Phys.B 785 (2007) 234-245 • e-Print: 0704.2812.
174、Topological excitation in Skyrme theory.Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Xin-Hui Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 27, 2007).Commun.Theor.Phys. 47 (2007) 85-88 • e-Print: hep-th/0703164.
175、Fermion absorption cross-section and topology of spherically symmetric black holes.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Zhen-Bin Cao(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 19, 2007).Phys.Lett.B 650 (2007) 286-292 • e-Print: hep-th/0702144.
176、Detecting extra dimension by Helium-like ions.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Xin-Hui Zhang(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 23, 2007).Mod.Phys.Lett.A 23 (2008) 1853-1860 • e-Print: hep-th/0701213.
177、Localization of Fermions on a String-like Defect.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Li Zhao(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.) (Jan 2, 2007).JHEP 04 (2007) 097 • e-Print: hep-th/0701010.
178、Fermionic zero modes in self-dual vortex background on a torus.Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.), Yi-Shi Duan(Lanzhou U.), Yong-Qiang Wang(Zhejiang U.) (2007).Commun.Theor.Phys. 48 (2007) 675-679
179、Spinor field realizations of the non-critical W(2,4) string based on the linear W(1,2,4) algebra.Li-Jie Zhang(Dalian Jiaotong U.), Yu-Xiao Liu(Lanzhou U.) (Feb 21, 2006).Commun.Theor.Phys. 46 (2006) 675-678 • e-Print: hep-th/0602205.
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