1.Y. L. Huang, Q. Li, J. Y. Han, Z. X. Jia,Y. S. Yu, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, J. L. Wu, D. M. Zhang, Y. Z. Huang, W. P. Qin, G. S. Qin, “Temporal soliton and optical frequency comb generation in a Brillouin laser cavity,” Optica, 6(12), 1491-1497, 2019.
2.H. Z. Weng, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Wu, Y. Z. Hao, M. Tang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Dual-wavelength microlasers for microwave and optical frequency comb generation,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 25(6) 1501408, 2019.
3.Y. Q. Ye, M. Tang, Y. H. Zhang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode and lasing characteristics for scissor-FP hybrid-cavity semiconductor lasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 36(11), 3009-3015, 2019.
4.M. Tang, Y. D. Yang, H. Z. Weng, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Ray dynamics and wave chaos in circular-side polygonal microcavities,” Phys. Rev. A, 99(3), 033814, 2019.
5.Y. L. Chen and Y. Z. Huang, “Multinanoparticle scattering in a multimode microspheroid resonator,” Phys. Rev. A, 99(2), 023818, 2019
6.F. L. Wang, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, C. G. Ma, Y. Z. Hao, M. Tang, and J. L. Xiao, “Study of optical bistability based on hybrid-cavity semiconductor lasers,” AIP advances, 9(4), 045224, 2019.
7.Y. Z. Hao, F. L. Wang, M. Tang, H. Z. Weng, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Widely tunable single-mode lasers based on a hybrid square/rhombus-rectangular microcavity,” Photonics Res., 7(5), 543-548, 2019.
8.Y. D. Yang, M. Tang, F. L. Wang, Z. X. Xiao, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Whispering-gallery mode hexagonal micro-/nanocavity lasers,” Photonics Res., 7(5), 594-607, 2019.
9.J. Y. Han, Y. T. Huang, Y. Z. Hao, M. Tang, F. L. Wang, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, “Wideband frequency-tunable optoelectronic oscillator with a directly modulated AlGaInAs/InP integrated twin-square microlaser,” Opt. Express 26(24), 31784-31793, 2018.
10.Y. H. Zhang, H. Z. Weng, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode coupling and competition in square-racetrack hybrid-cavity semiconductor lasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, 2674-2680, 2018.
11.Y. D. Yang, M. L. Liao, J. Y. Han J Y, H. Z. Weng, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Narrow-linewidth Microwave Generation by Optoelectronic Oscillators with AlGaInAs/InP Microcavity Lasers,” J. Lightw. Technol. 36, 4379-4385, 2018.
12.F. L. Wang, Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, Z. X. Xiao, and J. L. Xiao, "Single-transverse-mode waveguide-coupled deformed hexagonal resonator microlasers," Appl. Opt. 57, 7242-7248, 2018.
13.J. Y. Han, Y. Z. Huang, Y. Z. Hao, J. L. Wu, F. L. Wang, Y. D. Yang, and J. L. Xiao, “Low-phase-noise microwave generation using dual-mode microsquare laser phase locking by modulated sidebands,” Opt. Lett. 43, 4069-4072, 2018.
14.Y. Z. Huang, X. W. Ma, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "Hybrid-cavity semiconductor lasers with a whispering-gallery cavity for controlling Q factor," Sci. China Inf. Sci. 61, 080401, 2018.
15.M. L. Liao, J. L. Xiao, Y. Z. Huang, H. Z. Weng, J. Y. Han, Z. X. Xiao, and Y. D. Yang, “Tunable optoelectronic oscillator using a directly modulated microsquare laser,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 30, 1242-1245, 2018.
16.S. Liu, W. Z. Sun, Y. J. Wang, X. Y. Yu, K. Xu, Y. Z. Huang, S. M. Xiao, Q. H. Song, “End-fire injection of light into high-Q silicon microdisks,” Optica 5, 612-616, 2018.
17.H. Z. Weng, J. Y. Han, Q. Li, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, G. S. Qin, and Y. Z. Huang, “Optical frequency comb generation based on the dual-mode square microlaser and a nonlinear fiber loop,” Appl. Phys. B 124, 91, 2018.
18.H. Z. Weng, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Y. Z. Hao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Spectral engineering for circular-side square microlasers,” Opt. Express 26, 9409-9414, 2018.
19.H. Z. Weng, Y. Z. Huang, X. W. Ma, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, J. Y. Han, and M. L. Liao, “Optical frequency comb generation in highly nonlinear fiber with dual-mode square microlasers,” IEEE Photon. J. 10, 7102009, 2018.
20.F. L. Wang, X. W. Ma, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, J. Y. Han, and J. L. Xiao, "Relative intensity noise in high-speed hybrid square-rectangular lasers," Photon. Res. 6, 193-197, 2018.
21.M. Tang, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, H. Z. Weng, and Z. X. Xiao, "Variable-curvature microresonators for dual-wavelength lasing," Photon. Res. 5, 695-701, 2017.
22.H. Z. Weng, Y. Z. Huang, X. W. Ma, F. L. Wang, M. L. Liao, Y. D. Yang, and J. L. Xiao, “Spectral Linewidth Analysis for Square Microlasers,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 29,1931-1934, 2017.
23.X. W. Ma, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, H. Z. Weng, J. L. Xiao, M. Tang, and Y. Du, "Mode and Lasing Characteristics for Hybrid Square-Rectangular Lasers," IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 23, 1500409, 2017
24.M. L. Liao, Y. Z. Huang, H. Z. Weng, J. Y. Han, Z. X. Xiao, J. L. Xiao, and Y. D. Yang, Liao Ming-Long, "Narrow-linewidth microwave generation by an optoelectronic oscillator with a directly modulated microsquare laser," Opt. Lett. 42, 4251-4254, 2017.
25.S. S. Sui, Y. Z. Huang, M. Y. Tang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Hybrid deformed-ring AlGaInAs/Si microlasers with stable unidirectional emission,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 23, 1500308, 2017.
26.Z. X. Xiao, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, M. Tang, and J. L. Xiao, "Modulation bandwidth enhancement for coupled twin-square microcavity lasers," Opt. Lett. 42, 3173-3176, 2017.
27.H. Z. Weng, O. Wada, J. Y. Han, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, J. Li, B. Xiong, C. Z. Sun, and Y. Luo, “Sub-THz wave generation based on a dual wavelength microsquare laser,” Electron. Lett. 53, 939-941, 2017.
28.X. W. Ma, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, H. Z. Weng, F. L. Wang, M. Tang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "All-optical flip-flop based on hybrid square-rectangular bistable lasers," Opt. Lett. 42, 2291-2294, 2017.
29.Z. X. Xiao, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and X. W. Ma, "Single-mode unidirectional-emission circular-side hexagonal resonator microlasers," Opt. Lett. 42, 1309-1312, 2017.
30.H. Z. Weng, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, X. W. Ma, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Mode Q factor and lasing spectrum controls for deformed square resonator microlasers with circular sides,” Phys. Rev. A 95, 013833, 2017.
31.X. W. Ma, Y. Z. Huang, H. Long, Y. D. Yang, F. L. Wang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Experimental and theoretical analysis of dynamical regimes for optically injected microdisk lasers,” J. Lightwave. Technol. 34, 5263-5269, 2016.通訊作者
32.H. Z. Weng, Y. Z. Huang, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, X. W. Ma, F. L. Wang, and Y. Du, “Multicoherence wavelength generation based on integrated twin-microdisk lasers,” Opt. Lett. 41, 5146-5149(2016).通訊作者
33.Y. Z. Huang, X. W. Ma, Y. D. Yang, and J. L. Xiao, “Review of the dynamic characteristics of AlGaInAs/InP microlasers subject to optical injection,” Semicond. Sci. Technol. 31, 113002, 2016.
34.X. Jin, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode control for microring resonators with inner-wall gratings,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33, 1906-1912, 2016.通訊作者
35.S. S. Sui, Y. Z. Huang, M. Y. Tang, H. Z. Weng, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Locally deformed-ring hybrid microlasers exhibiting stableunidirectional emission from a Si waveguide,” Opt. Lett. 41, 3928-3931, 2016.通訊作者
36.X. W. Ma, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, H. Z. Weng, and Z. X. Xiao, "Mode coupling in hybrid square-rectangular lasers for single mode operation," Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 071102, 2016.通訊作者
37.Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, “Mode characteristics and directional emission for square microcavity lasers,” J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 49, 253001, 2016 通訊作者
38.S. S. Sui, M. Y. Tang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du, and Y. Z. Huang, “Single-mode hybrid AlGaInAs/Si octagonal-ring microlaser with stable output,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 14, 031402, 2016.通訊作者
39.R. Lu, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, H. Z. Weng, H. Long, B. X. Bo, and Y. Z. Huang, “Unidirectional emission cut-corner square microcavity lasers,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 52, 2000105, 2016.通訊作者
40.C. C. Guo, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, Z. H. Zhu, Y. Z. Huang, “Lasing characteristics of wavelength-scale aluminum/silica coated square cavity,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 28, 217-220, 2016.
41.S. S. Sui, M. Y. Tang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du, and Y. Z. Huang, “Investigation of hybrid microring lasers adhesively bonded on silicon wafer,” Photon. Res. 3, 289-295, 2015
42.M. Y. Tang, S. S. Sui, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Numerical investigation of metal-confined hybrid III-V/Si circular nanoresonator with guided emission,” Opt. Commun. 355, 306-312, 2015.
43.Y. D. Yang, H. Z. Weng, B. W. Liu, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z.Huang, “Localized-cavity-loss-induced external mode coupling in optical microresonators,” J. Opt. Soc.Am. B 32, 2376-2381, 2015.
44.S. S. Sui, M. Y. Tang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du, and Y. Z. Huang, “Hybrid spiral-ring microlaser vertically coupled to silicon waveguide for stable and unidirectional output,” Opt. Lett. 40, 4995-4998, 2015.通訊作者
45.H. Long, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, L. X. Zou, J. L. Xiao, Z. X. Xiao, "Mode and modulation characteristics for microsquare lasers with a vertex output waveguide," Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58, 114205, 2015.
46.L. X. Zou, Y. Z. Huang, B. W. Liu, X. M. Lv, H. Long, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Nonlinear dynamics for semiconductor microdisk laser subject to optical injection,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 21, 1800408, 2015.通訊作者
47.M. Y. Tang, S. S. Sui, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode selection in square resonator microlasers for widely tunable single mode lasing,” Opt. Express 23, 27739-27750, 2015.
48.L. X. Zou, Y. Z. Huang, X. M. Lv, X. W. Ma, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Du, “Single-mode microdisk laser with two ports for heptagonal coupled mode lasing,” Electron. Lett. 51, 1442-1443, 2015.
49.X. Jin, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, “Proposal and simulation of microring resonators with partially distributed gratings for realizing unidirectional emission,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 51, 6500208, 2015.
50.B. W. Liu, Y. Z. Huang, H. Long, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, L. X. Zou, Y. Du, “Microwave generation direct from microsquare laser subject to optical injection,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 27, 1853-1856, 2015.通訊作者
51.X. W. Ma, Y. Z. Huang, L. X. Zou, B. W. Liu, H. Long, H. Z. Weng, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, “Narrow-linewidth microwave generation using optically injected AlGaInAs/InP microdisk lasers subject to optoelectronic feedback,” Opt. Express 23, 20321-20331, 2015.
52.H. Long, Y. Z. Huang, X. W. Ma, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, L. X. Zou and B. W. Liu, “Dual-transverse-mode microsquare lasers with tunable wavelength interval,” Opt. Lett. 40, 3548-3551, 2015.
53.Y. Z. Huang, L. X. Zou, B. W. Liu, Y. D. Yang, H. Long, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Dynamic and mode characteristics for AlGaInAs/InP microdisk lasers subject to optical injection,” Opt. Eng. 54, 076109, 2015.
54.J. F. Ku, Q. D. Chen, X. W. Ma, Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, H. L. Xu, H. B. Sun, “Photonic-molecular single-mode laser,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 27, 1157-1160, 2015.
55.L. X. Zou, B. W. Liu, X. M. Lv, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Z. Huang, "Integrated semiconductor twin-microdisk laser under mutually optical injection," Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 191107, 2015.通訊作者
56.S. S. Sui, M. Y. Tang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode investigation for hybrid microring lasers with sloped sidewalls coupled to a silicon waveguide,” IEEE Photon. J. 7, 6100209, 2015.通訊作者
57.S. S. Sui, M. Y. Tang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du, and Y. Z. Huang, “Sixteen-wavelength hybrid AlGaInAs/Si microdisk laser array,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 51, 2600108, 2015.通訊作者
58.S. S. Sui, M. Y. Tang, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Eight-wavelength hybrid Si/AlGaInAs/InP microring laser array,” Electron. Lett. 51, 506-508, 2015. 通訊作者
59.Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, B. W. Liu, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode characteristics and vertical radiation loss for AlGaInAs/InP microcylinder lasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32, 439-444, 2015.
60.H. Long, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, L. X. Zou, J. L. Xiao, X. W. Ma, X. M. Lv, B. W. Liu, and Y. Du, “High-Speed Direct-Modulated Unidirectional Emission Square Microlasers,” J. Lightwave Technol. 33, 787-794, 2015.通訊作者
61.L. X. Zou, Y. Z. Huang, B. W. Liu, X. M. Lv, X. W. Ma, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Thermal and high speed modulation characteristics for AlGaInAs/InP microdisk lasers,” Opt. Express 23, 2879-2888, 2015.通訊作者
62.L. X. Zou, Y. Z. Huang, X. M. Lv, B. W. Liu, H. Long, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Modulation characteristics and microwave generation for AlGaInAs/InP microring lasers under four-wave mixing,” Photon. Res. 2, 177-181, 2014.
63.H. Long, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, L. X. Zou, X. M. Lv, B. W. Liu, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Mode characteristics of unidirectional emission AlGaInAs/InP square resonator microlasers,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 50, 981-989, 2014.通訊作者
64.X. W. Ma, X. M. Lv, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Mode characteristics for unidirectional-emission microring resonator lasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31, 2773-2778, 2014.
65.L. X. Zou, Y. Z. Huang, X. M. Lv, H. Long, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, and Y.Du, “Dynamic characteristics of AlGaInAs/InP octagonal resonator microlaser,” Appl. Phys. B 117, 453-458, 2014. 通訊作者
66.H. Long, Y. Z. Huang, L. X. Zou, Y. D. Yang, X. M. Lv, X. W. Ma, and J. L Xiao, “Investigation of high efficiency unidirectional emission from metal coated nanocylinder cavities,” J. Lightwave. Technol. 32(18), 3192-3198, 2014.
67.Y. D. Yang, Y. Li, Y. Z. Huang, A. W. Poon, “Silicon nitride three-mode division multiplexing and wavelength-division multiplexing using asymmetrical directional couplers and microring resonators,” Opt. Express 22, 22172-22183, 2014.
68.X. M. Lv, Y. D. Yang, L. X. Zou, H. Long, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode Characteristics and Optical Bistability for AlGaInAs/InP Microring Lasers,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 26, 1703-1706, 2014.
69.X. M. Lv, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, L. X. Zou, H. Long, B. W. Liu, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Influences of carrier diffusion and radial mode field pattern on high speed characteristics for microring lasers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 161101, 2014.通訊作者
70.Y. Z. Huang, X. M. Lv, L. X. Zou, H. Long, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Du, “Investigations on high speed directly modulated microdisk lasers accounting for radial carrier hole burning,” Opt. Eng. 53, 046104, 2014.
71.C. C. Guo, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode characteristics of subwavelength aluminum/silica-coated InAlGaAs/InP circular nanolasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 31, 865-872, 2014.
72.Y. D. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. Z. Huang, A. W. Poon, “Direct-modulated waveguide-coupled microspiral disk lasers with spatially selective injection for on-chip optical interconnects,” Opt. Express 22, 824-838, 2014.
73.K. J. Che, M. X. Lei, G. Q. Gu, Z. P. Cai, and Y. Z. Huang, “Optical processing between two metallically hybrid microdisks” Appl. Opt. 52, 8190-8194, 2013.
74.L. X. Zou, X. M. Lv, Y. Z. Huang, H. Long, Q. F. Yao, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Four-wavelength microdisk laser array laterally coupled with a bus waveguide,” Opt. Lett. 38(19), 3807-3810, 2013.通訊作者
75.X. M. Lv, Y. Z. Huang, L. X. Zou, H. Long, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, Y. Du, “High-speed direct modulation unidirectional emission microring lasers,” Electron. Lett. 49, 1290-1291, 2013.通訊作者
76.X. M. Lv, Y. Z. Huang, L. X. Zou, H. Long, and Y. Du, "Optimization of direct modulation rate for circular microlasers by adjusting mode Q factor," Laser Photon. Rev. 7, 818-829, 2013.通訊作者
77.L. X. Zou, X. M. Lv, Y. Z. Huang, H. Long, J. L. Xiao, Q. F. Yao, J. D. Lin and Y. Du, "Mode analysis for unidirectional emission AlGaInAs/InP octagonal resonator microlasers," IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 19, 1501808, 2013.通訊作者
78.X. M. Lv, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, H. Long, L. X. Zou, Q. F. Yao, X. Jin, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Analysis of vertical radiation loss and far-field pattern for microcylinder lasers with an output waveguide,” Opt. Express 21(13), 16069-16074, 2013.通訊作者
79.Q. F. Yao, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, L. X. Zou, X. M. Lv, H. Long, J. L. Xiao, and C. C. Guo, "Mode analysis for metal-coated nanocavity by three-dimensional S-matrix method," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 30, 1335-1341, 2013.通訊作者
80.H. H. Fang, R. Ding, S. Y. Lu, Y. D. Yang, Q. D. Chen, J. Feng, Y. Z. Huang, H. B. Sun, “Whispering-gallery mode lasing from patterned molecular single-crystalline microcavity array,” Laser Photon. Rev. 7, 281-288, 2013.
81.J. L. Xiao, C. C. Guo, H. M. Ji, P. F. Xu, Q. F. Yao, X. M. Lv, L. X. Zou, H. Long, T. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Measurement of Linewidth Enhancement Factor for 1.3-μm InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Lasers,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 25(5), 488-491, 2013.通訊作者
82.Y. Z. Huang, X. M. Lv, J. D. Lin, and Y. Du, “Output characteristics of square and circular resonator microlasers connected with two output waveguides,” Sci. China Tech. Sci. 56(3), 538-542, 2013.
83.Q. F. Yao, Y. Z. Huang, L. X. Zou, X. M. Lv, J. D. Lin, and Y. D. Yang, "Analysis of mode coupling and threshold gain control for nanocircular resonators confined by isolation and metallic layers," J. Lightwave Technol. 31, 786-792, 2013.通訊作者
84.Q. F. Yao, Y. Z. Huang, J. D. Lin, X. M. Lv, L. X. Zou, H. Long, Y. D. Yang, and J. L. Xiao, “High-Q modes in defected microcircular resonator confined by metal layer for unidirectional emission,” Opt. Express 21(2), 2165-2170, 2013.
85.Y. Z. Huang, J. D. Lin, Q. F. Yao, X. M. Lu, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "AlGaInAs/InP coupled-circular microlasers," Chin. Opt. Lett. 10(9), 091404, 2012.
86.J. D. Lin, L. X. Zou, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, Q. F. Yao, X. M. Lv, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "Wide-angle emission and single-mode deformed circular microlasers with a flat side," Appl. Opt. 51(17), 3930-3935, 2012. 通訊作者
87.J. D. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, Q. F. Yao, X. M. Lv, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "Coherence of a single mode InAlGaAs/InP cylinderical microlaser with two output ports," Opt. Lett. 37(11), 1977-1979, 2012. 通訊作者
88.X. M. Lv, L. X. Zou, J. D. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, Q. F. Yao, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "Unidirectional-Emission Single-Mode AlGaInAs-InP Microcylinder Lasers," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 24(11), 963-965, 2012. 通訊作者
89.X. M. Lv, L. X. Zou, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Q. F. Yao, and J. D. Lin, "Influence of Mode Q Factor and Absorption Loss on Dynamical Characteristics for Semiconductor Microcavity Lasers by Rate Equation Analysis," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 47(12), 1519-1525, 2011.通訊作者
90.K. J. Che, Q. F. Yao, Y. Z. Huang, Z. P. Cai, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Du, "Multiple-Port InP/InGaAsP Square-Resonator Microlasers," IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron. 17(6), 1656-1661, 2011.
91.Y. D. Yang and Y. Z. Huang, "Investigation of Vertical Leakage Loss for Whispering-Gallery Modes in Microcylinder Resonators," J. Lightwave Technol. 29(18), 2754-2760, 2011.
92.K. J. Che, Y. Z. Huang, L.Chen, Z. P. Cai, and H. Y. Xu, “Metallically confined microdisks with in-plane multiple guided emissions,” Opt. Express 19(19), 18116–18121, 2011.
93.J. D. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, Q. F. Yao, X. M. Lv, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "Optical bistability in GaInAsP/InP coupled-circular resonator microlasers," Opt. Lett. 36(17), 3515-3517, 2011.通訊作者
94.J. D. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, Q. F. Yao, X. M. Lv, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "InAlGaAs/InP cylinder microlaser connected with two waveguides," Electron. Lett. 47(16), 929-930, 2011.通訊作者
95.J. D. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, Q. F. Yao, X. M. Lv, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, "Single Transverse Whispering-Gallery Mode AlGaInAs/InP Hexagonal Resonator Microlasers," IEEE Photon. J. 3(4), 756-764, 2011.通訊作者
96.K. J. Che, Y. Z. Huang, H. Y. Xu, and Z. P. Cai, “Port output of metallo-dielectric confined circular microlasers Port output of metallo-dielectric confined circular microlasers,” Opt. Lett. 36(8), 1374-1376, 2011
97.Y. Z. Huang, S. J. Wang, Y. D. Yang, J.D. Lin, K. J. Che, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Investigation on multiple-port microcylinder lasers based on coupled modes,” Semicond. Sci. Technol. 25(10), 105005, 2010.
98.S. J. Wang, J. D. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, K. J. Che, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du, and Z. C. Fan, “AlGaInAs/InP microcylinder lasers connected with an output waveguide,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 22, 1349-1351, 2010.
99.K. J. Che, J. D. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “InGaAsP/InP square microlasers with a vertex output waveguide,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 22, 1370-1372, 2010.通訊作者
100.S. J. Wang, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Analysis of coupled microcircular resonators coupled to a bus waveguide with high output efficiency,” Opt. Lett. 35(12), 1953-1955, 2010.
101.Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, Q. Y. Lu, and J. F. Donegan, “Enhancement of quality factor for TE whispering-gallery modes in microcylinder resonators, ” Opt. Express 18(12), 13057–13062, 2010.
102.K. J. Che and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode characteristics of metallically coated square microcavity connected with an output waveguide,” J. Appl. Phys. 107, 113103, 2010.
103.Y. D. Yang, S. J. Wang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Investigation of mode radiation loss for microdisk resonators with pedestals by FDTD technique,” Chin. Opt. Let. 8(5), 502-504, 2010.
104.K. J. Che, J. D. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Du, “Two-port InGaAsP/InP square resonator microlasers, ” Electron. Lett. 46(8), 585-586, 2010.
105.J. Li, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode simulation for midinfrared microsquare resonators with sloped sidewalls and confined metals, ” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 22(7), 459-461, 2010.
106.S. J. Wang, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, J. D. Lin, K. J. Che, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Long rectangle resonator 1550 nm AlGaInAs/InP lasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27(4), 719-724, 2010.
107.K. J. Che, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode characteristics for square resonators with a metal confinement layer,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 46(3), 414-420, 2010.
108.K. J. Che, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Multimode resonances in metallically confined square-resonator Microlasers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 96(5), 051104, 2010.
109.S. J. Wang, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, Y. H. Hu, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Output characteristics of an InP/InGaAsP triangle microcavity laser,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 27(1), 014213, 2010.
110.Y. D. Yang, S. J. Wang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Investigation of mode coupling in a microdisk resonator for realizing directional emission,” Opt. Express 17(25), 23010–23015, 2009.
111.Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, and S. J. Wang, “Mode analysis for equilateral-triangle-resonator microlasers with metal confinement layers,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 45(12), 1529-1536, 2009.
112.S. J. Wang, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Analysis of mode characteristics for equilateral-polygonal resonators with a center hole,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26(12), 2449-2454, 2009.
113.Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, S. J. Wang, J. L. Xiao, K. J. Che, and Y. Du, “Whispering-gallery microcavity semiconductor lasers suitable for photonic integrated circuits and optical interconnects,” Sci China Ser E-Tech 52(12), 3447-3453, 2009.
114.Y. Z. Huang and Y. D. Yang, “Calculation of light delay for coupled microrings by FDTD technique and Padé approximation,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 26(11), 2419-2426, 2009.
115.J. Li, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Design of quantum cascade microcavity lasers based on Q factor versus etching depth,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26(8), 1484-1491, 2009.
116.Y. Z. Huang, S. J. Wang, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, Y. H. Hu, and Y. Du, “Optical bistability in InP/GaInAsP equilateral-triangle-resonator microlasers,” Opt. Lett. 34(12), 1852-1854, 2009.
117.J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Investigation of gain recovery for InAs/GaAs quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers by rate equation simulation,” Opt Quant Electron. 41(8), 613-626, 2009
118.Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, K. J. Che, S. J. Wang, Y. H. Hu, and Y. Du, “Equilateral-triangle and square resonator semiconductor microlasers,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15(3), 879-884, 2009.
119.Y. Z. Huang, K. J. Che, Y. D. Yang, S. J. Wang, Y. Du, and Z. C. Fan, “Directional emission InP/GaInAsP square-resonator microlasers,” Opt. Lett. 33(19), 2170-2172, 2008.
120.J. L. Xiao and Y. Z. Huang, “Numerical analysis of gain saturation, noise figure, and carrier distribution for quantum-dot semiconductor-optical amplifiers,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 44(5), 448-455, 2008.
121.Y. Z. Huang and Y. D. Yang, “Mode coupling and vertical radiation loss for whispering-gallery modes in 3-D microcavities,” J. Lightwave. Technol. 26(11), 1411-1416, 2008.
122.Y. D. Yang and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode analysis and Q-factor enhancement due to mode coupling in rectangular resonators,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 43(6), 497-502, 2007.
123.Y. D. Yang and Y. Z. Huang, “Symmetry analysis and numerical simulation of mode characteristics for equilateral-polygonal optical microresonators,” Phys. Rev. A 76, 023822, 2007.
124.Q. Chen, Y. H. Hu, Y. Z. Huang, Y. Du, and Z. C. Fan, “Equilateral-triangle-resonator injection lasers with directional emission,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 43(6), 440-444, 2007.
125.Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, and Q. Chen, “Comparison of Q-factors between TE and TM modes in 3-D microsquares by FDTD simulation,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 19(22), 1831-1833, 2007.
126.Y. D. Yang, Y. Z. Huang, and Q. Chen, “High-Q TM whispering-gallery modes in three-dimensional microcylinders, ” Phys. Rev. A 75(1), 013817, 2007.
127.J. J. Li, J. X. Wang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Mode coupling between first- and second-order whispering-gallery modes in coupled microdisks,” Opt. Lett. 32(7), 1563-1565, 2007.
128.Q. Chen, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Finite-difference time-domain analysis of deformed square cavity filters with a traveling-wave-like filtering response by mode coupling,” Opt. Lett. 32(8), 967-969, 2007.
129.Q. Chen, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Prediction and suppression of strong dispersive coupling in microracetrack channel drop filters,” Opt. Lett. 32(13), 1851-1853, 2007.
130.J. L. Xiao, Y. Z. Huang, Y. Du, H. Zhao, H. Q. Ni, Z. C. Niu, “Gain measurement and anomalous decrease of peak gain at long wavelength for InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers,” Chin, Phys. Lett. 24(10), 2984-2986, 2007.
131.H. Q. Zhao, L. J. Yu, Y. Z. Huang, “Investigation of a chemically treated InP(1 0 0) surface during hydrophilic wafer bonding process,” Mater. Sci. & Eng. B 128, 93-97, 2006.
132.H. Q. Zhao, L. J. Yu, Y. Z. Huang, Y. T. Wang, “Strain analysis of InP/InGaAsP wafer bonded on Si by X-ray double crystalline diffraction,” Mater. Sci. & Eng. B 133, 117-123, 2006.
133.H. Q. Zhao, L. J. Yu, Y. Z. Huang, “Thermal stress analysis for GaInAsP multiple quantum well wafer chemically bonded to Si(100),” J. Appl. Phys. 100(2), 023513, 2006.
134.Q. Chen, Y. D. Yang, and Y. Z. Huang, “Distributed mode coupling in microring channel drop filters,” App. Phys. Lett. 89(6), 061118, 2006.
135.Y. Z. Huang, Q. Chen, W. H. Guo, Q. Y. Lu and L. J. Yu, “Mode characteristics for equilateral triangle optical resonators,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 12(1), 59-65, 2006.
136.Q. Chen, Y. Z. Huang, and L. J. Yu, “Analysis of mode characteristics for deformed square resonators by FDTD technique,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 42(1), 59-63, 2006.
137.Q. Chen and Y. Z. Huang, “WG-like modes selectivity in a square cavity with posts,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 23(6), 1470-1472, 2006.
138.Q. Chen and Y. Z. Huang, “Investigation of mode characteristics for a square cavity with a pedestal by a three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 23(7), 1287-1291, 2006.
139.W. Zhao and Y. Z. Huang, “Analysis of directional emission in square resonator lasers with an output waveguide,” Chin. Opt. Let. 23(6), 1470-1472, 2006.
140.X. S. Luo, Y. Z. Huang, and Q. Chen, “Mode-coupling analysis of three-dimensional microdisk resonators by the finite-difference time-domain technique,” Opt. Lett. 31(8), 1073-1075, 2006.
141.X. S. Luo, Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, Q. Chen, M. Q. Wang, and L. J. Yu, “Investigation of mode characteristics for microdisk resonators by S-matrix and three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 23(6), 1068-1073, 2006.
142.M. Q. Wang, Y. Z. Huang, Q. Chen, and Z. P. Cai, “Analysis of mode quality factors and mode reflectivities for nanowire cavity by FDTD technique,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 42(2), 146-151, 2006.
143.Q. Chen, Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, and L. J. Yu, “Analysis of modes in a freestanding microsquare resonator by 3-D finite-difference time-domain simulation,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 41(7), 997-1001, 2005.
144.Y. Z. Huang, Q. Chen, W. H. Guo, and L. J. Yu, “Experimental observation of resonant modes in GaInAsP microsquare resonators,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17(12), 2589-2591, 2005.
145.Q. Chen, Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, and L. J. Yu, “Calculation of propagation loss in photonic crystal waveguides by FDTD technique and Padé approximation,” Opt. Comm. 248, 309-315, 2005.
146.Y. Z. Huang, Q. Chen, W. H. Guo, and L. J. Yu, “Application of Padé approximation in simulating photonic crystals,” Chin. J. Semicond. 26(7), 1281-1286, 2005.
147.C. Y. Jin, Y. Z. Huang, L. J. Yu, and S. L. Deng, “Numerical and theoretical analysis of the crosstalk in linear optical amplifiers,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 41(5), 636-641, 2005.
148.S. L. Deng, Y. Z. Huang, and L. J. Yu, “Intraband relaxation and its influences on quantum dot lasers,” Chin, Phys. Lett. 22(8), 2077-2080, 2005.
149.S. L. Deng, Y. Z. Huang, C. Y. Jin, and L. J. Yu, “Theoretical analysis of gain and threshold current,” Chin. J. Semicond. 26(10), 1898-1904, 2005.
150.Q. Y. Lu, X. H. Chen, W. H. Guo, L. J. Yu, Y. Z. Huang, J. Wang, and Y. Luo, “Mode characteristics of semiconductor equilateral triangle microcavities with side length of 5-20 μm,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16(2), 359-361, 2004.
151.Y. Z. Huang, Q. Y. Lu, W. H. Guo, L. J. Yu, “Analysis of mode characteristics for equilateral triangle semiconductor microlasers with imperfect boundaries,” Proc. Optoelectron. 151(4), 202-204, 2004.
152.Y. Z. Huang, Y. H. Hu, Q. Chen, S. J. Wang, Y. Du, and Z. C. Fan, “Room-temperature continuous-wave electrically injected InP–GaInAsP equilateral-triangle-resonator lasers,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 19(13), 963-965, 2004.
153.W. H. Guo, Y. Z. Huang, Q. Y. Lu, and L. J. Yu, “Mode quality factor based on far-field emission for square resonators,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16(2), 479-481, 2004.
154.W. H. Guo, Y. Z. Huang, Q. Y. Lu, and L. J. Yu, “Comparison of free spectral range and quality factor for two-dimensional square and circular microcavities,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 21(1), 79-80, 2004.
155.W. H. Guo, Q. Y. Lu, Y. Z. Huang, and L. J. Yu, “Fourier series expansion method for gain measurement from amplified spontaneous emission spectra of Fabry–Pérot semiconductor lasers,” J. Quantum Electron. 40(2), 123-129, 2004.
156.C. Y. Jin, Y. Z. Huang, L. J. Yu, and S. L. Deng, “Detailed model and investigation of gain saturation and carrier spatial hole burning for a semiconductor optical amplifier with gain clamping by a vertical laser field,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 40(2), pp.123-129, Feb. 2004.
157.H. B. Lei, L. J. Yu, Q. Y. Lu, W. H. Guo, C. L. Han, Y. Z. Huang, “Fabrication of 10×10 InGaAsP/InP array waveguide grating,” High Technol. Lett. 13(6), 49-50, 2003. (in Chinese)
158.Q. Y. Lu, X. H. Chen, W. H. Guo, L. J. Yu, Y. Z. Huang, J. Wang, and Y. Luo, “Experimental study of mode characteristics for equilateral triangle semiconductor microcavities,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 1(8), 472-474, 2003.
159.Q. Chen, Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, and L. J. Yu, “Modulation of photonic bandgap and localized states by dielectric constant and filling factor in photonic crystals,” Chin. J. Semicond. 24(12), 1233-1237, 2003.
160.W. H. Guo, Y. Z. Huang, Q. Y. Lu, and L. J. Yu, “Whispering-gallery-like modes in square resonators,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 39(9), 1106-1110, 2003.
161.W. H. Guo, Y. Z. Huang, C. L. Han, and L. J. Yu, “Measurement of gain spectrum for Fabry–Pérot semiconductor lasers by the Fourier transform method with a deconvolution process,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 39(6), 716-721, 2003.
162.W. H. Guo, Q. Y. Lu, Y. Z. Huang, and L. J. Yu, “Measurement of gain spectrum for semiconductor lasers utilizing integrations of product of emission spectrum and a phase function over one mode interval,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 15(11), 1510-1512, 2003.
163.W. H. Guo, Y. Z. Huang, Q. Y. Lu, and L. J. Yu, “Modes in square resonators,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 39(12), 1563-1566, 2003.
164.C. L. Han, R. X. Liu, W. H. Guo, L. J. Yu, and Y. Z. Huang, “Measurement of cavity loss and quasi-Femi-level separation for Fabry-Perot semiconductor lasers,” Chin. J. Semicond. 24(8), 789-793, 2003.
165.C. Y. Jin, W. H. Guo, Y. Z. Huang, and L. J. Yu, “Photon iterative numerical technique for steady-state simulation of gain-clamped semiconductor optical amplifiers,” IEE Proc.-Optoelectron. 150(6), 503-507, 2003.
166.Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, and Q. M. Wang, “Influence of output waveguide on mode qulity factor in semiconductor microlasers with an equilateral triangle resonator,” App. Phys. Lett. 77(22), 3511-3513, 2002.
167.Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, and L. J. Yu, “Analysis of mode quality factors for equilateral triangle semiconductor microlasers with rough sidewalls,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 19(5), 674-676, 2002.
168.W. H. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, “Calculation of valence subband structure for strained quantum-well by plane wave expansion method within 6×Luttinger-Kohn model,” Chin. J. Semicond. 23(6), 577-581, 2002.
169.Y. Z. Huang and W. H. Guo, “Comparison of mode quality factors for equilateral triangular, square and rhombus optical micro-resonators,” Chin. J. Semicond. 22(2), 117-120, 2001.
170.Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, and Q. M. Wang, “Analysis and numerical simulation of eigenmode characterisctics for semiconductor lasers with an equilateral triangle micro-resonator,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 37(1), 100-107, 2001.
171.Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, L. J. Yu, and H. B. Lei, “Analysis of semiconductor microlasers with an equilateral triangle resonator by rate equations,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 37(10), 1259-1264, 2001.
172.Y. Z. Huang, W. H. Guo, and L. J. Yu, “Size limit and spontaneous emission factor for equilateral triangle semiconductor microlasers,” IEE Proc. Optoelectron. 148(5/6), 229-232, 2001.
173.W. H. Guo, W. J. Li, and Y. Z. Huang, “Computation of resonant frequencies and quality factors of cavities by FDTD technique and Padé approximation,” IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon. Lett. 11(5), 223-225, 2001.
174.Y. Z. Huang, “Comparison of modal gain and material gain for strong guiding slab waveguide,” IEE. Proc. Optoelectron. 148(3), 131-133, 2001.
175.W. H. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, and Q. M. Wang, “Resonant frequencies and quality factors for optical equlilateral triangle resonators calculated by FDTD technique and the Padé approximation,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 12(7), 813-815, 2000.
176.Y.Z. Huang, “Influence of reflection pase of air interface on mode characteristics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” Acta Optica Sinica, 20(2), 181-185, 2000. (in Chinese)
177.Y. Z. Huang, “Influence of lateral propagating modes on laser output characteristics in selectively oxidized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with double oxide layers,” J. Appl. Phys. 86, 3519-3524, 1999.
178.Y. Z. Huang, "Eigenmode confinement in equilateral triangle resonant optical cavities," Science Foundation in China 7(2), 70-73, 1999.
179.Y. Zhang, Z. Pan, Y. Du, Y. Z. Huang, and R. H. Wu, "Influence of process conditions of AlAs selective wet oxidation on oxidizing rate," Chinese J. Semicond., 20, 260-264, 1999.
180.Y. Z. Huang, “Effect of reflectivity at the interface of oxide layer on transverse mode control in oxide confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” J. Appl. Phys. 83(7), 3769-3772, 1998.
181.Y. Zhang, Y. Z. Huang, and R. H. Wu, “Analysis of the noise in VCSEL using rate equation,” Acta Physica Sinica 47(2), 232-238, 1998. (in Chinese)
182.Y. Z. Huang, Z. Pan, and R. H. Wu, “Analysis of the optical confinement factor in semiconductor lasers,” J. Appl. Phys. 79, 3827-3830(1996)
183.R. H. Wu, W. Z. Gao, J. Zhao, H. L. Duan, S. M. Lin, Z. T. Zhong, Y. Z. Huang, and Q. M. Wang, “GaAs/GaAlAs multiquantum well reflectance light modulator and self electrooptic effect device,” Acta Photonica Sinica 24, 388-392, 1995. (in Chinese)
184.R. H. Wu, Z. Q. Zhou, Y. W. Lin, Z. Pan, Y. Z. Huang, C. Y. Li, Z .C. Niu, and W. Wang, “Sub-milliampere room temperature CW operation of InGaAs vertical-cavity surface-emittng lasers,” High Technol. Lett. 5(9), 24-26, 1995. (in Chinese)
185.Y. Z. Huang, “On the rate equations of semiconductor lasers for measuring spontaneous emission factor,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 7, 977-979, 1995.
186.M. A. Fisher, Y. Z. Huang, A. J. Dann, D. J. Elton, M. J. Harlow, S. D. Perrin, J .Reed, I. Reid, and M. J. Adams, “Pulsed electric operation of 1.5m vertical cavity surface emitting lasers,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 7, 608-610, 1995.
187.S. M. Lin, Y. Z. Huang, R. H. Wu, W. Z. Gao, and Z. Pan, “Comparison between the influences of layer thickness and AlAs mole fraction on vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers,” Fiber and Integrated Optics 12, 105-109, 1993.
188.Y. Z. Huang, S. M. Lin, and R. H. Wu, “Variation of stimulated emission with spontaneous emission spectrum in microcavity semiconductor lasers,” Superlattices and Microstructures 13, 267-270, 1993.
189.Y. Z. Huang and C. M. Wang, “Modeling of electron tunneling times in asymmetric double quantum wells,” Appl. Phys. A54, pp.308-310, 1992.
190.Y. Z. Huang and C. M. Wang, “Resonant tunneling, eigenvalue and energyband calculation for potential and periodic potential structures,” Appl. Phys. A54, 191-195, 1992.
191.Y. Z. Huang and C. M. Wang, “Comparisons of the phase times with tunneling times based on absorption probabilities,” J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 3, 5915-5919, 1991.
192.Y. Z. Huang, “Asymmetric gain induced by longtudinal spatial carrier burning in semiconductor lasers,” Electron. Lett. 26, 783-784, 1990.
193.C. Z. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, “Effects of dispersive relation and longitudinal coupled cavity on the mode spectral behaviour in semiconductor lasers,” Acta Physica Sinica 39, 1739-1744, 1990. (in Chinese)
194.C. Z. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, “Role of spontaneous emission factor in mode selection and linewidth compression in external cavity semiconductor lasers,” Chin. J. Semicond. 11, 654-658, 1990. (in Chinese)
195.C. Z. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, “Effect of the modal interaction on the spectral linewidth in the nearly single mode semiconductor lasers,” Acta Physica Sinica 39, 1075-1081, 1990. (in Chinese)
196.C. Z. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, “Control of the linewidth of semiconductor lasers by laterally coupled-cavity,” Acta Physica Sinica 38, 818-823,1989. (in Chinese)
197.C. Z. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, “Effect of nonlinear gain and waveguide structure on the linewidth of semiconductor lasers,” Acta Physica Sinica 38, 699-705,1989. (in Chinese)
198.C. Z. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, “Effect of carrier leakage over the heterobarrier on the To of InGaAsP semiconductor lasers,” Chin. J. Semicond. 8, 122-127, 1987 (in Chinese)
199.C. Z. Guo and Y. Z. Huang, “Effect of energyband structure on the optical gain spectra of InGaAsP quarternary semiconductors,” Chin. J. Semicond. 8, 49-60, 1987. (in Chinese)
Invited talks in international conference and symposium:
1.Yong-Zhen Huang, Yong-Hong Hu, and Yue-De Yang, “Directional emission microlasers and mode coupling in microcavities,” International Nano Optoelectronics Workshop, 44-45, Beijing-Lanzhou, China, 2007. (invited)
2.Yong-Zhen Huang, Yue-De Yang, Shi-Jiang Wang, Kai-Jun Che, and Yun Du, “Directional emission whispering-gallery-mode semiconductor microcavity lasers,” International Nano Optoelectronics Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 2008. (invited)
3.Yong-Zhen Huang, Yue-De Yang, Shi-Jiang Wang, Kai-Jun Che, and Wei Zhao, “Mode behavior in triangle and square microcavities,” Asia-Pacific Optical Communications, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7135, art no. 713506, Hangzhou, China, 2008. (invited)
4.Yong-Zhen Huang, Yong-Hong Hu, Shi-Jiang Wang, Yue-De Yang, and Wei Zhao, “Directional emission triangle and square semiconductor microlasers,” The 6th Asia Pacific Laser Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2008. (invited)
5.Yong-Zhen Huang, Shi-Jiang Wang, Kai-Jun Che, Yue-De Yang, Jin-Long Xiao, Yong-Hong Hu, and Yun Du, “Room temperature continuous-wave electrically injected InGaAsP triangle and square microlasers,” International Conference of Optical Instrument and Technology, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7158, art no.715806, Beijing, China, 2008. (invited)
6.Yong-Zhen Huang, Yue-De Yang, Shi-Jiang Wang, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “InGaAsP/InP bistability triangle microlasers,” CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009-8th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, TuH3-2, Shanghai, China, 2009. (invited)
7.Yong-Zhen Huang, Yue-De Yang, Jian-Dong Lin, Kai-Jun Che, Shi-Jiang Wang, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “Multiple-port directional emission whispering-gallery mode microlasers,” Conference on Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XIII: Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7913, art no. 79130V-1, San Francisco, America, 2011. (invited)
8.Yong-Zhen Huang, Jian-Dong Lin, Yue-De Yang, Qi-Feng Yao, Xiao-Meng Lv, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “Unidirectional-emission single-mode whispering-gallery-mode microlasers,” Conference on Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XIV: Proceedings of SPIE vol. 8236, art no. 82360M-1, San Francisco, America, 2012. (invited)
9.Yong-Zhen Huang, Jian-Dong Lin, Xiao-Meng Lv, Qi-Feng Yao, Jin-Long Xiao, Yue-De Yang, and Yun Du, “Unidirectional micropillar lasers for on-chip optical interconnects,” Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, 827-828, Busan, Korea, 2012. (invited)
10.Yong-Zhen Huang, Xiao-Meng Lv, Heng Long, Ling-Xiu Zou, Qi-Feng Yao, Yue-De Yang, Xin Jin, Ming-Ying Tang, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “Far-field pattern simulation and measurement for unidirectional-emission circular microlasers,” Conference on Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XV: Proceedings of SPIE vol. 8600, art. no. 86001I-1, San Francisco, America, 2013. (invited)
11.Yong-Zhen Huang, Chu-Cai Guo, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yue-De Yang, “Mode selection for subwavelength Aluminum/Silica coated semiconductor circular nanoresonators,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013. (invited)
12.Yong-Zhen Huang, “Wavelength control and thermal management for multi-wavelength microlaser array bonded on SOI waveguide,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Shanghai, China, 2014. (invited)
13.Yong-Zhen Huang, Xiao-Meng Lv, Ling-Xiu Zou, Heng Long, Jin-Long Xiao, Yue-De Yang, and Yun Du, “Investigation on high speed directly modulated microcircular lasers,” Conference on Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVI: Proceedings of SPIE vol. 8960, art no. 89600Z-1, San Francisco, America, 2014. (invited)
14.Yong-Zhen Huang, “Influence of external optical injection on small-signal modulation response for AlGaInAs/InP microring lasers,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Guangzhou, China, 2014. (invited)
15.Yong-Zhen Huang, Ling-Xiu Zou, Bo-Wen Liu, Yue-De Yang, Heng Long, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “Dynamical characteristics of AlGaInAs/InP microdisk lasers subject to optical injection,” Conference on Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVII: Proceedings of SPIE vol. 9343, art. no. 934308, San Francisco, America, 2015. (invited)
16.Yong-Zhen Huang, Ling-Xiu Zhou, Xiu-Wen Ma, Yue-De Yang, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “Mode control for directional emission semiconductor microdisk and microring lasers,” 20th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, Shanghai, China, 2015. (invited)
17.Yong-Zhen Huang, Ling-Xiu Zou, Xiu-Wen Ma, Yue-De Yang, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “Nonlinear dynamics for integrated twin-microdisk laser with mutually optical injection,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ASu3B.1, Hong Kong, China, 2015. (invited)
18.Yong-Zhen Huang, Ling-Xiu Zou, Xiu-Wen Ma, Yue-De Yang, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “High speed modulation characteristics for semiconductor microdisk lasers,” 11th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Busan, Korea, 2015. (invited)
19.Huang Yong-Zhen, et al, “Degenerate mode control for hybrid spiral-ring microlasers to realize unidirectional emission from Si waveguide,” the 5th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics, Hangzhou, China, 2015. (invited)
20.Yong-Zhen Huang, Xiu-Wen Ma, Yue-De Yang, Jin-Long Xiao, and Yun Du, “Lasing characteristics of integrated lasers with whispering-gallery mode microresonator,” Conference on Smart Photonics and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XVIII, Proc. of SPIE, vol. 9751, art. no. 97510J, San Francisco, America, 2016. (invited)
21.Y. Z. Huang, H. Z. Weng, Z. X. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, and Y. Du, “Semiconductor microlasers with curve-side polygon resonators,” 3A31, the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2017), 25-28 July 2017, Incheon Korea (invited)
22.Y. Z. Huang, H. Z. Weng, Y. D. Yang, J. L. Xiao, J. Y. Hn, M. L. Liao, and Y. Du, “Optical frequency comb generation by four-wave mixing with a seeding source of dual-mode microlasers,” 2-1F-1, CLEO-PR|OECC|PGC, 31 Jul-4 Aug 2017, Singapore (invited)
23.X. W. Ma, Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, and J. L. Xiao, “Optical memory based on bistable hybrid-cavity lasers,” the 6th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-Optics (AOM 2018), 23-26 Apr 2017, Nanjing, China (invited)
24.Yong-Zhen Huang, Hai-Zhong Weng, Yue-De Yang, and Jin-Long Xiao, “Mode control for asymmetric deformed square microcavity lasers,” the 2nd International Workshop on Asymmetric Microcavity and Wave Chaos, 17-20 May 2018, Fuzhou, China (invited)
25.Y. Z. Huang, F. L. Wang, Y. Z. Hao, Y. D. Yang, and J. L. Xiao, “Single mode and bistability coupled cavity semiconductor lasers,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 26-29 Oct 2018, Hangzhou, China (invited)
26.Y. Z. Huang, “Circular-side polygonal microcavity semiconductor lasers,” W1J.1, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR), 29 Jul-3 Aug 2018, Hong Kong, China (invited)
27.Y. Z. Huang, “Single mode operation and optical bistability for coupled-cavity semiconductor lasers”, 2018 Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC 2018), 4-7 Sep 2018, Shenzhen, China (invited)
28.Y. Z. Huang, J. Y. Han, M. L. Liao, Y. D. Yang, and J. L. Xiao, “Microwave generations using single mode and dual-mode lasing microsquare lasers,” the 7th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-Optics (AOM 2018), 9-12 Oct 2018, Xi’an, China (invited)
29.Y. Z. Huang, “Square microcavity semiconductor lasers,” The 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO2019), Sym6.5, 14-17 June 2019, Hong Kong, China (Keynote)
30.Y. Z. Huang, Y. Z. Hao, F. L. Wang, J. C. Liu, Y. D. Yang, and J. L. Xiao, “Hybrid-cavity semiconductor lasers for single mode operation and signal processing,” International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks, 5-8 Aug 2019, Huangshan, China (invited)
31.Y. Z. Huang, C. G. Ma, M. Tang, Z. X. Xiao, J. L. Xiao, Y. D. Yang, “Nonlinear dynamics for semiconductor microcavity lasers with internal mode injection effect,” 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), 23-28 June 2019, Singapore (invited)
32.Y. Z. Huang, Y. D. Yang, M. Tang, and J. L. Xiao, “Integrated semiconductor microcavity lasers,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2-5 Nov 2019, Chengdu, China (invited)
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