發(fā)表學士論文24篇,均為SCI檢索。論文總引用次數(shù)160次,其中他引超過80次,單篇最高引用次數(shù)60次,他引57次。其中在物理學國際權威雜志Physical Review A 上發(fā)表論文7篇,其中4篇為第一作者。
1. Topology of Entanglement in Multipartite States with Translational Invariance.H. T. Cui, J. L. Tian, C. M. Wang,
and Y. C. Chen. Euro. Phys. J. D, in press (2013)
2. Detection of Topological Symmetry in the One-Dimensional Affleck-Kennedy--Lieb-Tasaki Model of Integer Spin with
Ultracold Spinor Atoms in Optical Lattices. CUI Hai-Tao, YANG Gui, and TIAN Jun-Long. Scientific China, in Press (2013)
3. Maximal overlap with a fully separable state and translational invariance for multipartite entangled atates
H.T.Cui , Di Yuan,and J. L. Tian PHYSICAL REVIEW 82,062116 (2010).
4. Overlap of quantum many-body states with a separable stste and phase and phase transitions in the Dicke model:zero
and finite temperature H.T. Cui PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81,042112(2010).
5. Geometric entanglement in valance-bond-solid state H.T. Cui ,C.M.Wang,and S.Z.Yuan Eur.Phys.J.B 74,543-553(2010).
6. Current-induced spin polarization for a general two-dimensional electron system C.M. Wang, H.T. Cui and Q. Lin
Physica Status Solidi B, 246(10), 2301-2306(2009).
7. Pairwise entanglement and geometric phase in high dimensional free-Fermion lattice systems H.T. Cui and Y.F. Zhang European Physics of Journal D 51, 393–400 (2009).
8. Geometric phase and quantum phase transition: Two-band model H. T. Cui, Physical Review A 78, 022101 (2008).
9. Multiparticle entanglement in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model H.T. Cuiand Jie Yi Physical Review A 77, 052105
10. Genuine tripartite entanglement and quantum phase transition Chang-shui Yu, He-shan Song, and Hai-tao Cui Chinese
Physics B 17, 1674(2008).
11. Decoherence in a two-level system coupled to a fermion environment with phase transitions L.C. Wang , H.T. Cui,
X.X. Yi Physics Letters A 372, 1387–1390 (2008).
12. Geometric phase in entangled bipartite systems, Cui H T, Wang L C, Yi X X Europhysics of Journal D 41, 385 (2007).
13. A Study on the sudden death of entanglement Cui H T ,Li K, Yi X X Physics Letter A 365, 44-48 (2007).
14. Decoherence induece by spin-chain environment Wang Lin-Cheng, Cui Hai-Tao, Yi Xue-Xi Chinese Physical Letters 10, 2648 (2006).
15. Geometric phase and quantum phase transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, Cui H T, Li K, Yi X X Physics
Letter A 360, 243-248 (2006).
16. Effects of entanglement on off-diagonal geometric phases Cui H T, Wang L C, Yi X X Europhysics Letters 74, 757-763 (2006).
17. Entanglement and Quantum criticality in spin chains X. X. Yi, H.T. Cui, L, C. Wang Physical Review A 72, 054102
18. Effect of inter-subsystem coupling on the evolution of composite systems Yi XX, Cui HT, Lin YH, Song HS Physical
Review A 71, 022107 (2005).
19. Dimensionality and finite number effect on BCS transition of atomic fermi gas Cui H T, Wang L C, Yi X X
Communications in Theoretical Physics 43, 826-830 (2005).
20. Low-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensation in finite-number trapped atoms, Cui H T, Wang L C, Yi X X, 2004 Acta
Physica Sinica 53, 991-995 (2004).
21. Berry phase with quantized field driving: Effects of inter-subsystem coupling Wang LC, Cui HT, Yi XX, Physical
Review A 70, 052106 (2004).
22. A study on the fast decoherence process Cui HT, Wu W, Yi XX JOURNAL OF OPTICS B-QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL OPTICS 5 , S589-S592 (2003).
23. Dynamics of the entanglement rate in the presence of decoherence X.X. Yi , H.T. Cui, X.G. Wang Physics Letters A
306, 285–290 (2003).
24. Two-component Fermi gas in a harmonic trap X. X. Yi, H. J. Wang, H. T. Cui, C. M. Zhang Physica Scripta, 66,
284-288 (2002).